Native Forest Protection & Restoration
We can all be part of protecting, restoring and connecting our native forests. The management of existing forest remnants is key to rebuilding the health of our native biodiversity in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Register your interest in selling environmental outcomes from native forest protection and restoration.
New Zealand
Why protect existing native forests?
About half of our country’s land area is covered with native bush. However, this is shrinking every year as more and more land is cleared for agriculture or forestry.
The protection and regeneration of these forests requires ongoing activity; including pest and predator control, fencing and biodiversity monitoring.
Much of the protection of native forests is being done in the absence of any financial return, often relying on funding and volunteer labour.
Unlocking new revenue streams for native forest protection and regeneration protects a significant proportion of Aotearoa New Zealands native biodiversity and existing carbon stock.
What types of outcomes can be expected from native forest protection?
Native Biodiversity Protection
Increased Carbon Sequestration
Climate Change Adaptation
Pest & Predator Reduction
Indigenous Land Management
1. Complete a land assessment
Complete a land assessment and our team will assess your opportunity to sell Claims and earn income from your environmental outcomes.
2. Sell your Claims
Select from our scientifically-supported templates and list your environmental outcomes for sale as Claims on the NZ Climate Innovation market when it launches.
3. Collect your data
Sign up to a Pledge and report the data to complete your Claim and receive your payments.
Receive offers on Claims
When the market launches, you will be able to list future, in progress or completed Claims for your environmental outcomes. Once your listing is live, you can receive offers to buy these Claims. These offers can come from private corporations, government agencies and beyond. When your Claim is complete, buyers will receive a Claim report containing verifiable data about the outcomes.
At Te Kautuku in Rangitukia, significant areas of native forest remain intact, including 219 hectares of forest held in kawenata and protected with the support of Ngā Whenua Rāhui.
On behalf of over 300 whānau who whakapapa to this whenua, land managers and trustees are building a vision of native reforestation across the land block and reconnection of its people with the land.
Claims and Pledges coming soon
- Claim Templates
- Pledge Templates
Claim templates are developed by scientists and specialists in the field so you can buy and trade climate outcomes with confidence.
Protect Biodiversity: Forest and Shrubland
Developed by Manaaki Whenua & EcoIndex
This template allows landowners to demonstrate that they are protecting forest or shrubland as they build towards restoring ecological integrity. It includes collection of data about vegetation, ecosystem types, threatened plants, fungi, and animals, and management activities, over time and space.
In development
Possum Control and Monitoring
Developed by Manaaki Whenua, University of Canterbury & Landcare Trust
The control of possums contributes to the recovery of our native forests and biodiversity. This Claim provides monitoring data on the control of introduced brushtail possums through trapping. It provides evidence that possum populations are being maintained at low numbers following a prior intensive knockdown effort.
In development
Preservation of Existing Native Cover
Seeking developers
Existing native forest stands provide critical carbon stocks. This Claim demonstrates the preservation of existing cover on private land, in order to maintain carbon reserves.
Open for developers
Pledges are developed by specialists in regenerative practices and guide farmers and land managers so they can take action and measure outcomes with confidence.
Biodiversity Management
Developed by Steve Sawyer, Ecoworks NZ
This Pledge supports land managers to define a set of actions they are taking to protect and monitor native biodiversity. The template defines the data they will capture to measure the outcomes resulting from their actions.
In development
Pest & Predator Control
Developed by Steve Sawyer, Ecoworks NZ
This Pledge supports land managers to define their pest and predator control actions and capture data about the results they are achieving. The data can be used to sell Claims that prove biodiversity outcomes and earn income.
In development
Indigenous Management of Native Forest (whenua Māori)
Seeking developers
This Pledge template would support Māori to capture data about the actions they are taking to protect and restore native forest on whenua Māori. This data can be used to create and sell Claims that prove climate outcomes and earn income.
Open for developers
Whatungarongaro te tangata,
toitū te whenua.
As people disappear from sight,
the land remains.
Getting started is easy
1. Find a Launchpad
Check out the Launchpads and find the one that matches the environmental outcomes you are planning to achieve.
2. Provide your details
Register your interest in participating in future Claims and Pledges. We’ll keep you updated along the way.
3. Complete a land assessment
Tell us more about the land and the environmental actions you are planning or already doing today.
We will support you the entire way
When the market launches, our team will connect you with the tools and templates to help you measure and track your environmental outcomes so that you can sell Claims with confidence.
Interested in unlocking new revenue from native forest protection and regeneration?
Want to be involved another way?
Interested in buying environmental outcomes or providing upfront project finance to farmers & landowners taking action?
Are you an expert in tracking action and measuring outcomes and want to participate in building Claim & Pledge templates?
Do you have goods, services, skills or data that could support the regeneration of Aotearoa New Zealand?